Whether you live in Ruidoso or you visit a few times a year, there is always something to see or do in the region. Ruidoso and New Mexico in general offers something for everyone whether it’s the middle of winter or the first days of summer. That’s no exception in the fall when the leaves are changing and the temperature begins to drop. There are a few things that indicate it is fall in Ruidoso, including the annual Aspenfest weekend that recently took place.
Anyone who attended Aspenfest had the chance to partake in several fun and memorable activities. First up was the Aspenfest Parade that made its way through town. It featured a number of sports teams, organizations, and other groups known throughout Ruidoso. But the parade wasn’t the only reason to get outside and celebrate the season.
There was also a car show held after the parade, as well as a chili cook-off. While taste testing several different blends of chili, visitors had the chance to see a wide variety of classic cards. In addition to chili, visitors had the opportunity to take home handcrafted goods, sales of which benefited the Boys and Girls Club of Sierra Blanca.
With plenty of delicious food and drinks, fun activities, and several events in support of great causes, the Aspenfest is certainly a highlight of autumn in the Ruidoso area. However, it’s just one of many exciting events to look forward to throughout the rest of the year, so make sure you check a local calendar for more news and updates!