Many people who love the great outdoors have already discovered a number of reasons why Ruidoso is a great place to live and visit, and soon they may be getting one more. It was recently announced that Ruidoso is a semi-finalist in a grant application that would make the town a well-known name in mountain biking communities around the country. If Ruidoso receives the grant, a brand new Cedar Creek downhill biking system would be coming to the town.
The grant will be awarded by Bell Helmets and the International Mountain Biking Association Trail Solutions. According to the owner of Bicycle Ruidoso, the trail that they build will be unlike anything else in the area. It wouldn’t be the first time a trail has been designed by IMBA for Ruidoso, but it would be the first time the organization actually builds one here.
This would put Ruidoso on the map in a big way, and only add to the long list of things Ruidoso is becoming known for across the country. People are already flocking to Ruidoso for its cabins, skiing, and so much more, and hopefully mountain bike trails will soon be added to the list.
The voting process for the grant will remain open until May 10, so you can visit bellhelmets.com/bell-built to cast your vote and make this trail one step closer to reality for the Ruidoso community. If this trail ended up being built in Ruidoso, would you ride on it? Let us know and we’ll be sure to keep you updated if there are any exciting developments!
Source: www.abqjournal.com/577271/living/ruidoso-hopes-for-happy-trails.html